Saturday, February 18, 2012

Our Programs

Basically, our programs are divided into two parts :
1)      Regular Programs
2)      English for Special Purposes
1). Regular Programs
This program is designed exclusively to meet the various needs of students who wish to learn the English Language from TK level through to SD, SMP, SMU right up to University and mature students. When running the courses we divide the programs into :
English For Children
These programs are designed to prepare our young children to love and understand English at a very early age. To teach these young ones we need to keep their attention but at the same time make it an enjoyable learning experience so by using games, songs, and pictures we can get great results. In order to keep the students enjoying the learning process, we provide friendly, patient, and experienced teachers. We also provide the students with various programs which will support and encourage them to communicate and master the language.
The Programs available are :
English For Kindergarten
This program focuses on the ability of knowing and understanding vocabularies and simple communication by identifying various teaching aids such as the alphabet, numbers, pictures, shapes, and animals. It is expected that by having these types of activities the students will understand easily the targeted language and how to put it to good use in day to day activities. There are three levels for this program. They are KINDY 1, KINDY 2 and KINDY 3.
English For Elementary School Programs
This program is designed to meet the needs of Elementary school students as well as to supplement school lessons and to encourage better communication. We endeavor to develop our students ability for daily communication and also to raise the score of their school results. This will be achieved by using various activities such as module classes, role plays and other activities. This way the students will automatically start to express themselves using the English language.
    The Elementary school programs will take 4 months to complete each level. They are:
    • Primary 1 for SD grade 1 – 3
    • Primary 2
    • Primary 3
    • Primary 4
    • Primary 5
    • Primary 6
Junior High School Programs
The target of these programs is to provide students with the ability to communicate and understand English during daily activities and supplement the English they learn at school. The various supporting activities offered at the Primary and Elementary levels will also be provided during this program. These activities help to stimulate the students while at the same time encouraging them to learn.
There are three levels at this stage, each level will take three months to complete. The levels are:
    • Junior 1
    • Junior 2
    • Junior 3
 Adults Programs
These programs focus mainly on the spoken language as these programs are designed for senior high school students and mature students. The subjects covered in these programs are speaking, listening, reading and writing skills. Students who complete one of these programs are expected to have improved in these four skills. Besides this they will also be supported by various situations and activities as mentioned above in the Junior High School Programs. During these courses we will strengthen the students speaking capabilities by having a continuous English Forum and Conversation program. For improvement in listening capabilities we will provide students with audio and movie Programs.
These programs are divided into 10 separate levels, each level will take 3 months to finish. They are:
    • Basic 1 – 2
    • Elementary 1- 2
    • Intermediate 1 – 2
    • Post Intermediate 1 – 2
    • Advanced 1 – 2

2). English For Special Purpose
We design this program to meet the needs of customers who want to quickly master the English language in a short time, for specific purposes, such as conversations, interviews, toefl, and others. The programs are:
    This program is designed for those needing English as a communication tool without any background in English. This program is divided into 2 parts in which each should be finished in 50 hours. To place the participants to the correct level we will hold a Diagnostic Test. It is hoped that by having the diagnostic test the participants will be placed correctly according to their ability. This will enable us to get the maximum from each student and for all the participants to feel comfortable at ELP.
    This 2 – level – program is designed for those communicating and using English for their business needs. The participants joining this class should already have a basic understanding of the English language.This program will strengthen the abilities of the participants in business skills such as presentation, negotiation, telephoning, simple report writing etc… The participants will be given a Diagnostic Test to determine the appropriate level at which they should begin their studies. Each level will be held over 50 hours. We are able to adjust the needs or tailor make our courses to achieve the best results for all of our clients.
    This program is divided into two levels and each level will be held over 50 hours. Since this program is an academic purpose program, the participants for this program will be very strictly and periodically evaluated. This 2 - level - program will result in a minimum score of 550.To determine the level of each student and the programs needed to achieve a good score, ELP will hold a TOEFL Prediction Test.

    The function of this test is to give us a full picture of our students. Then we will be able to advise as to how many sessions will be needed to a achieve the required score.
    This 50 _ hour_ program is designed for those needing competency in English and to avoid communication misunderstandings with their expatriate boss or staff. This program will lead the participant to understand spoken and written order. At the end of the program it is hoped that the participants will have acquired the expertise to understand and communicate the skills they have learnt during the course, in whatever role they may need to use them.
    This program is designed specifically for each individual or company. It is a tailor made program as the designed program is agreed between the clients and the facilitator.The length of the program can vary from 50 hours to 100 hours or whatever the client deems necessary to achieve the standards required.

    This program is designed personally to fulfill the needs of each individual. This means our private program is not based on the general curriculum. Since this program is individually designed, the length of this program will depend much upon the needs of each separate participant. This course will last a minimum of one month.
    This program is designed specifically for those preparing to continue their education abroad. Students who are going to English speaking countries such as The United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand will find this course very useful. The target of this program is to guide the participant to gain a certain Band of IELTS Proficiency as required by the universities.
    This program is the service given to meet the needs of individuals or organizations. The participants will be given a TEST REPORT FORM showing their competency and proficiency in the taken test. This test is designed comprehensively so that the results will be the same as if they took the International Standard Test.

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