Dalam usaha mempelajari bahasa Inggris, terkadang kita menemukan beberapa kata yang "terlihat" mirip sehingga agak membingungkan penggunaannya. Diantaranya adalah SOMETIME dengan SOMETIMES, dan BESIDE dengan BESIDES. Mau tahu perbedaannya? Check this out!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Assalamu 'alaikum wr. wb
Sehubungan dengan datangnya bulan suci Ramadhan 1433 H, maka kami segenap staff dan jajaran pengelola ELP mengucapkan marhaban bi hudhuuri ramadhan, semoga ibadah puasa kita tahun ini menjadikan diri kita lebih baik lagi di masa depan. Amin
Berkenaan dengan itu, maka demi mendukung kelancaran proses KBM (Kegiatan Belajar-Mengajar) serta efektifitas dan efisiensi waktu kursus siswa-siswi kami, ada beberapa perubahan pada waktu belajar siswa yang perlu kami informasikan.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Degrees of Certainty : Present Time Negative
We often say our certainty about something in this life right?! Sometimes it is in positive or negative. The question is how to express our certainty in present time negative?
Well, this is the way:
100 % sure : Sam is not hungry
99 % sure : Sam couldn't be hungry / Sam can't be hungry
95 % sure : Sam must not be hungry
Less than 50% sure : Sam may not be hungry / Sam might not be hungry
Well, this is the way:
100 % sure : Sam is not hungry
99 % sure : Sam couldn't be hungry / Sam can't be hungry
95 % sure : Sam must not be hungry
Less than 50% sure : Sam may not be hungry / Sam might not be hungry
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Suatu ketika, saat saya sedang membaca sebuah buku yang berjudul "Laskar Pelangi", saya menemukan sebuah cuplikan kalimat yang cukup menarik. Sayangnya, saya lupa...siapa yang mengucapkan kalimat ini. Kalimatnya kira-kira berbunyi seperti ini : "Bila ada sebuah pintu yang dapat merubah kemiskinan, maka pintu itu sudah pasti adalah pendidikan". Untuk siapapun yang merasa "memiliki" kalimat ini, saya mohon maaf,...sekali lagi bukannya saya tidak mau mengingat anda; saya hanya lupa siapa anda (lho!? sama aja donk!).
Well, siapapun anda, ucapan anda harus saya akui adalah benar. Secara langsung, mungkin pendidikan tidak dapat merubah nasib atau peruntungan hidup seseorang. Kita tidak hidup di dunia dongeng dan penuh keajaiban dimana segala sesuatu dapat terwujud hanya dalam sekejap mata. Kita hidup di dunia nyata, dimana hasil akhir yang kita capai biasanya sangat bergantung kepada proses dan usaha (sekali lagi biasanya). Memang, dalam beberapa kasus (kehidupan di dunia nyata), ada "sekelumit" keajaiban yang di berikan Tuhan sebagai bentuk rahmat dan belas kasih-Nya untuk menolong umat dan hamba-Nya. Tapi lagi-lagi, kapan dan kepada siapa keajaiban itu akan diturunkan adalah hak preogratif Tuhan, yang tidak dapat diganggu-gugat atau di intervensi oleh siapapun dan apapun. Biarlah ini menjadi rahasia Tuhan yang tidak mungkin kita rumuskan.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Are you
ready to learn English grammar?
All right,
guys do you know what is grammar? Yes, grammar is the study of the forms and uses
of words in sentences of particular language (in this case is English).
Mmm…you can change the definition as long as you get the same understanding,
So, for the
first time,..you must know that all words in English can be classified into
eight groups. They are divided according to the work they do. They are :
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Interview sample to be a receptionist
: Applicant
I : Interviewer
A : Good Morning, Sir
I : Good Morning, please sit down
A : Thank you
I : Interviewer
A : Good Morning, Sir
I : Good Morning, please sit down
A : Thank you
: We have received your letter of application. Out of one hundred
applicants, we have chosen ten candidates. And you belong to those chosen ten.
Well, why would you like to work with our company?
A : Because your field of business
is import and export, Sir
Friday, February 24, 2012
Free Download
Welcome to the Download area!
In this page, we offer you various free download softwares. So get them for free!!
Kamus 2.04 version.
Download Link:
In this page, we offer you various free download softwares. So get them for free!!
Kamus 2.04 version.
Download Link:
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Our Programs
Basically, our programs
are divided into two parts :
for Special Purposes
1). Regular Programs
This program is designed exclusively to meet the various needs of
students who wish to learn the English Language from TK level through to SD,
SMP, SMU right up to University and mature students. When running the courses
we divide the programs into :
For Children
These programs are designed to prepare our young children to love and
understand English at a very early age. To teach these young ones we need to
keep their attention but at the same time make it an enjoyable learning
experience so by using games, songs, and pictures we can get great results. In
order to keep the students enjoying the learning process, we provide friendly,
patient, and experienced teachers. We also provide the students with various
programs which will support and encourage them to communicate and master the
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Learning Video
In this post, we proudly present an English learning video by VOA. We always realize that learning English from it's native will give a special effect for the students. So don;t miss this video...listen to the pronunciation carefully, and don't forget to practice it. Ok
About Us
English Language Program is an Institute of Education and English Training which has been operating for about 16 years, holding English training courses for society. Since its opening, English Language Programs has been growing extremely fast to meet the needs of the community. We have matched the needs of the public by offering various courses to suit all levels. We are also continuously developing and working hard to be a step a head of the rests in order to provide our students with the best resources for the future.
Today English Language Programs has about 5,000 students who are spread through out our twelve centers in the Jabodetabek area and plus thousands of graduates who successfully completed the program with our institution.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Our Branches
Our Branches are: | |
Jakarta :
Bogor :
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